PAULUS, Aggie; RAAK, Arno van; KEIJZER, Femke

ABC : the pathway to comparison of the costs of integrated care - Oxford : Blacwell Publishing, July-September 2002

In recent years, health care demand has become increasingly complicated and care has had to be integrated. The main reasons for this are a rising number of chronically ill patients and ageing of populations. Integrated health care is processual so there are continuous changes in care delivery; it incorporates many co–ordinating and co–operative activities which can produce uncertain outcomes; and activities are directed at delivering tailor–made care so there are no standardized or generalized outcomes. These characteristics mean that it is difficult to determine and compare the costs of different integrated care structures. This article argues that using Activity Based Costing (ABC) and integrated care pathways provides the best information possible for decision–making by health care managers, insurers, care suppliers and governments