Standardized project management may increase development projects success - Amsterdam : Elsevier, April 2005

Companies frequently opt to implement standardized project management (SPM), which can be defined as a standardized set of project management practices. These companies expect that such an approach will carry significant potential for improving project performance. To investigate this potential, we undertook an exploratory study into the impact of SPM on project performance in development projects in high-velocity industries. Our research started with the qualitative method using case study research to identify the major factors in SPM efforts on the organizational project management level (as opposed to the individual project level). Then, we developed hypotheses based on these factors and performed hypothesis testing to identify factors that impact project success. In addition, we conducted the follow-up interviews to enrich and refine our findings. Three major findings came out of this study. First, the variables of SPM tools, leadership skills, and process showed themselves to be of higher interest to standardization than the other independent variables because they may impact project success; second, these variables of higher interest are typically customized to fit the strategic purpose of the company; and third, companies tend to standardize project management practices only to a certain level.

Project management
Development projects
Project performance
Success factors