Microeconomic theory : basic principles and extensions - 6 ed - Orlando : Dryden Press, 1995 - 901 p.

Part I Introduction Chapter 1 Economic models Chapter 2 The mathematics of optimization Part II Choice and demand Chapter 3 Preferences and utility Chapter 4 Utility maximization and choice Chapter 5 Efects of changes in income or in a good's Chapter 6 Demand relationships among goods Chapter 7 Market demand and elasticity Part III Additional applications of the theory of choice Chapter 8 Exchange Chapter 9 Choice in uncertain situations:expected utility Chapter 10 The economics of information Part IV Production and supply Chapter 11 Production functions Chapter 12 Costs of production Chapter 13 Profit maximization and supply Chapter 14 Alternative models of the firm Part V Perfect competition Chapter 15 Partial equilibrium models of competitive price determination Chapter 16 Applied competitive analysis Chapter 17 General competitive equilibrium Chapter 18 The efficiency of perfect competition Chapter 19 Information,market adjustment,and competitive equilibrium Part VI Models of imperfect competition Chapter 20 Models of monopoly markets Chapter 21 Pricing in imperfectly competitive Chapter 22 Strategy and game theory Part VII Pricing in factor markets Chapter 23 Firms' demands for factors of production Chapter 24 Labor supply Chapter 25 Capital Part VIII Limits of the market Chapter 26 Externalities and public goods Chapter 27 Public choice theory

Teoria Econômica