Public-private partnerships : policy and experience / editado por Abby Ghobadian... [et al.]. -- - Nova York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. - 318 p. : il.

PPP: The instrument for transforming the public services - Abby Ghobadian, David Gallear, Nicholas O'Regan and Howard Viney Parte 1. Public-private partnership(PPP): context, purpose and perspectives Public-private partnerships and private finance - Rt Hon John Redwood MP New labour and PPPs - Dan Corry Parte 2. Assessing the appropriateness of PPP and overcoming potential resistance Peterborough hospitals NHS trust - Clive Morton and Christopher Banks Public-private partnerships - Keith Faulkner Making PPPs accountable: the case of Ireland - Martin Kay and Eoin Reeves Parte 3. Finding the right partner Finding the right partner - Coralie Foster Finding the right: the partners' perspective - Richard Kerley Parte 4. Building a successful public-prvate partnership Public-private partnerships and regional economic development - Tony Cockerill Diversity and contestability - the key to public service modernization - John Tizard Public-private partnership: the right form at the wrong moment? An analysis of institutional and strategic obstacles - Erik- Hans Klijn and Geert R. Teisman Parte 5. Private finance initiative(PFI) An examination of the private finance initiative - has the PFI initiative assisted in the investment in our public services or has it been an expensive deversion? Tony Haggar Risk management and the private finance initiative - Rob Ball, Maryanne Heafey and Dave King Whay is it so expensive to bid for PFI contracts? -Allen Knight and Ian Fox Parte 6. PPP - Contractual issues PPP contractual issues - big promises and unfinished business - Graeme A. Hodge and Diana M. Bowman Parte 7. International perspective and experience Public-private partnership in western Europe and the US: new growths from old roots - Tony Bovaird Public-private partnership in service delivery in developing countries: Jamaicas exemples - Philip D. Osei Parte 8. PPP-The way forward Future of public-private partnership - Abby Ghobadian, David Gallear, Howard Viney and Nicholas O' Regan


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