Industrial market structure - Chicago : Rand Mcnally & Company, 1973 - 576 p. - Rand McNally Economics Series .

1. Introduction 2. The welfare economics of competition and monopoly 3. The structure of U. S. Industry 4. The determinants of market structure 5. Economic theories of oligopoly pricing 6. Conditions facilitating oligopolistic coordenation 7. Conditions limiting oligopolistic coordenations 8. The dynamics of monopoly and oligopoly pricing 9. Market power on the buyers' side 10. Price discrimination 11. Conglomerate bigness and pricing behavior 12. Administered prices, eficiency and inflation 13. Rigid prices and macroeconomic stability 14. Product differentiation, market structure and competition 15. Market structure and technological innovation 16. The economics of the patent system 17. Market structure and performance: overall appraisal 18. Policy approaches to the monopoly problem 19. Antitrust policy: price-fixing agreements 20. Antitrust policy: the control of market structures 21. Antitrust policy: other restrictions on conduct 22. Public regulation in theory and practice
