POLLITT, Christopher

Performance or compliance? : performance audit and public management in five countries - New York : Oxford University, 1999 - 248 p.

Performance audit and public management reform - Christopher Pollit and Hilkka Summa Definitions and frameworks - Hilkka Summa The changing context - Christopher Pollitt The management-audit interface - Christopher Pollitt The subjects of study - Hilkka Summa Criteria - Christopher Pollitt and Robert Mul The auditor's craft - Jeremy Lonsdale, Robert Mul, and Christopher Pollitt Methods - Jeremy Lonsdale Products - Marit Waerness Impacts - Jeremy Lonsdale Overview - Christopher Pollitt Appendix 1 - Reserch Methods Appendix 2 - Supreme audit institutions: a summary of their structure and history Appendix 3: the development of performance audit


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