Contemporary capitalism : The embeddedness of institutions - Cambridge : Cambridge University, 1997 - 493 p. - Cambridge Studies in comparative politics .

Chapter 1 - Coordination od economic actors and social systems of production Part I - The variety of institutional arrangements and their complementarity in modern economies Chapter 2 - The variety and unequal performance of really existing markets: farewell to doctor pangloss Chapter 3 - A typology of interorganizational relationships and networks Chapter 4 - Associational governance in a globalizing era: weathering the storm Chapter 5 - Constitutional orders: trust building and response to change Part II - How and why do social systems of production change? Chapter 6 - Beneficial constraints: on the economic limits of rational voluntarism Chapter 7 - Flexible specialization: theory and evidence in the analisys od industrial change Chapter 8 - Globalization, variety, and mass production: the metamorphosis of mass production in the new competitive age Chapter 9 - Continuities and changes in social systems of production: the cases of Japan, Germany, and the United States Part III = Levels of spatial coordination and the embeddedness of institutions Chapter 10 - Perspectives on globalization and economic coordination Chapter 11 - Globalization in question: international economic relations and forms of public governance Chapter 12 - Clubs are trump: the formation of international regimes in the absence of a Hegemon Chapter 13 - The emerging europolity and its impact upon national systems of production Part IV - Conclusion Chapter 14 - From national embeddedness to spatial and institutional nestedness Index
