SHIMKRO, Barbara Whitaker ... [et al.]

Debunking the "lean and mean" myth and celebrating the rise of celebrating the rise of learning organizations - West Yorkshire, England : MCB University Press, 2000

This study hypothesizes that while downsizing has been a reasonable strategic move for some firms, it is by no means a corporate panacea. The study further suggests that adding-value to organizations by increasing the knowledge of employees at all levels, including the top level, is a strategic necessity. The hypotheses are supported by data assembled by the authors sourced from: the 10-k SEC’s filings; data generated by The United States Department of Labor; data available through other sources; and by a critical analysis of the Employee Knowledge literature. Several authors have noted the strategic importance of sharing information with employees, making available universal learning opportunities for the workforce, and providing a corporate culture that ensures continuous knowledge enhancement

Knowledge management