Mellors, John

Managing and leading in the next century - Oxford : Blackwell Publishers Limited, September 1996

A 'quick scan' of the literature on management and leadership reveals a wealth of writings. This article offers a broad overview and some thoughts, based on personal observation and experience, on future management and leadership needs in the Australian public sector. The present article first outlines, by way of illustration, some key pressures for continuing change within Australia's public sector and their possible implications for future management needs. Second, it addresses the distinction between 'management' and 'leadership';and suggests that while the requirements placed on public sector management will continue to change, the skills required of public sector leaders are essentially timeless (and differ, in some respects, from private sector stereotypes of ' leadership').Finally the article suggests why and how we should be seeking to develop ' leadership in depth' within public sector organisations, drawing on some illustrations from the Australian Department of Administrative Services