MUNDAY, Stephen C. R

Current development in economics - London : MacMillan, 1996 - 269 p.

Tem descritores

Part I - an overview of economics Economic methodology or how to do economics A consideration of the method, or practice, of economics, as opposed to its subject content A brief history of economic thought An overview of the history of economic thought, pinpointing key individuals and themes and suggesting their importance for the study of economics today Microeconomics and macroeconomics A consideration of the various possible important links to the two halves of economics, as traditionally divided Part II - developments in microeconomics Game theory and its uses An overview of game theory as used in economics and a consideration of its various possible applications Privatisation A consideration of the economic of the economic arguments for and against privatisation. Does competition imply afficiency? The theory of contestable markets. A case study of british rail. A consideration of the economic theory of regulation. OFTEL is a case study Economic theory and the environment The relevant economic theory to a consideration of the problems of environmental damage. The implied government policies are discussed. Global warming and toxic waste are taken as case studies Government provision of services: health care and education An overview of the case for the free market provision of all goods and services, followed by a consideration of both market and government failure and their implications for government policy. The topical applications are to health care and education Taxation A consideration of the economic justification for a government raising taxes. What criteria dictate whether a tax is good or bad? The theory of optimal taxation. The implications of the theory of optimal taxation fot taxing commodities and income and for the debate concerning charging for admission to museums International trade: old theories, new theories and the single european market A look at the theory of comparative advantage and its shortcomings in explaining today's trade flows. New trade theories with their possible implications for restricting trade. How the single market in Europe fits in with the differing theories Part II: developments in macroeconomics Macroeconomic models A look at the three different macroeconomic models used in textbooks: the 45 degree diagram, the ISLM model, and agregate supply and demand. What are the key policy issues in macroeconomics that they enphaise? Unemployment, inflation and the philips curve A look at all new developments in the theories of the two key macroeconomic variables of unemployment and inflation. What do they appear to imply for the philips curve and for government policy? Exchange rates and economic and monetary union A look at the arguments for against fixed exchange rates and the theory of optimal currency areas. What do these imply for economic and monetary union in Europe? Economics and politics: political business cycles and independent central banks A consideration of the axioms of economics for the practice of politics. Two important applications, the political business cycle and independent central banks, are discussed Economic growth: old theories, new theories and government policy A look at the traditional theories of economic growth folled by an overview of the new theories of economic growth with their emphasis on positive externalities. What are the implications for government policy?
