GODET, Michel

Creating futures : scenario planning as a strategic management tool / Prefácio Joseph F. Coates - 2.ed - London : Economica, 2006 - 349 p.

1. How to think about the future now 2. Why do the experts get it wrong? 3. Clichés and anti-clichés about the future 4. How to be rigorous with scenario planning 5. Initiating the entire process 6. Case studies in industry and defence 7. Case studies in the service sector 8. Basf facing agri-food and environmental challenges 9. The human factor makes the difference 10. How I became a futurist

Tradutor: Adam Gerber e Kathryn Radford Tradutor: Adam Gerber e Kathryn Radford


Planejamento Estratégico
Estudo de Casos
Sociedade Contemporânea