Accountability : power, ethos and the technologies of managing - London : International Thomson Business , 1996 - 337 p.

1 - Alignment and indentity work: the study of accounts and accountability - Rolland Munro 2 - Thinking accountability: accounting for the disciplined production of self - Hugh Willmott 3 - From discipline to dialogue: individualizing and socializing forms of accountability - John Roberts 4 - Narrating accountability: cognition and the production of the accountable self - Richard J. Boland and Ulrike Schultze 5 - Accountability on the move: the undecidable context of project formation - Kristian Kreiner 6 - Decoupling hierarchy and accountability: an examination of trust and reputation - Sten Jonsson 7 - Refining accountabilities: opening the black box of management systems success - Simon Lilley 8 - Financial and operational modes of accountability: differing accounts of British and German managers - Thomas Ahrens 9 - Managed financial disclosure: the interplay between accountability pressures - Carla Carnaghan, Mike Gibbins and Sepo Ikaheimo 10 - Accoutability and identity: accounting and the democratic organization - Fabrizio Panozzo 11 - The arrival of an accountability: explaining the imposition of managing by accounting - Brendan McSweeney 12 - Principals and higher principals: accounting for accountability in the caring professions - Richard Laughlin 13 - Spaces of accountability: systems of accountability in a multinational firm - Katrine Kirk and Jan Mouritsen 14 - The awful idea of accountability: inscribing people into the measurement of objects - Keith Hoskin 15 - Organizing accountabilitues: ontology and the mode of accounting - John Law 16 - Changing times and accounts: tales from an organization field - Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges


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