Cohen, Steven

The new effective public manager : achieving success in a changing government / Steven Cohen, William Eimicke - 2. ed. - Califórnia, EUA : Jossey-Bass, 1995. - 280 p. - The Jossey-Bass Public Administration Series .

1 - Introduction: the crisis in public management I - The essentials: managing expectations, people and structures 2 - Defining effective public management 3 - How to find and keep good staff 4 - Developing effective working relationships 5 - Structuring systems, tasks and responsabilities II - Key managerial tools 6 - Using total quality management to improvement performance 7 - Gathering, organizing and using information 8 - Mastering the budgetary process III - Key leadership challenges facing public sector managers 9 - Shaping organizational goals and strategies 10 - Dealing with the media, legislative bodies and interest groups 11 - Surviving and thriving in the public service


Gestão Pública
Gestão de Qualidade
Administração Pública
Setor Público