BISHOP, Sheilah Watson

Nonprofit federalism and the CSBG program - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, January 2006

To understand more about the functions of community action agencies in the post-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) era, a survey of executive directors and staff members was conducted in the state of Missouri. The survey revealed that community action agencies in the state are filling in the service gaps caused by state social service cutbacks. Practitioner focus has shifted from community to individual needs. Although Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) administrators feel the quality of services continues to remain high, clients have been turned away because of the lack of resources. Moreover, administrators perceive increased service demands because of welfare reform. To meet client needs, executive directors and staff members have formed collaborative relationships with other private nonprofit entities and faith-based organizations, raising questions of accountability

Reorganização Administrativa
Serviço Social
Prestação de Contas