LEAL, Carlos Ivan Simonsen

Macroeconomia com M4 - São Paulo : Nobel, jan./mar. 1995

This article is a remake of usual macroeconomic models, as the IS-LM. We use as exogenous (under the control of government) the ample monetary aggregate M4. We start by a careful analysis of the Walras’ identity, extending Simonsen (1983). As a result, it is possible to see that with M4 it is necessary to abandon either the IS - curve (i.e. equilibrium in the market for goods and services) or the LM - curve (equilibrium in the money market). Then, we analyze the demand for M4 in Brazil. Finally, we study a LM4 - LM macroeconomic model. The usefulness of the model is clear: one can directly verify the impact of variations on M4 in the macro variables