IT capital planning and investment guide - Washington : U.S. General Services Administration, 1997 - 178 p.

Chapter I - The GSA information technology (IT) capital planning process: An overview addressing capital planning objetives, definitions and interfaces for those responsible for coordinating the process Chapter 2 - It capital planning: steps, thresholds, and reporting: describes essential capital planning and related processes, schedule, adn criteria for determining which projects to submit to the detailed capital planning process/coordination responsibilities and project managers who have to complete the documentation and/or present their projects to the information techonology council (ITC) and business technology concil (BTC) Chapter 3 - Planning IT projects: describes analysses and processes for identifying and related processes, schedule, and criteria for determining which projects to submit to the detailed capital planning process - designed for personnel with significant capital planning/coordination responsilities and project managers who will be performing these kinds of analyses Chapter 4 - Developing IT performance goals and mensures: Describes governmentwide regulations and principles for developing IT performance goals and measures - designed for those with IT capital planing/coordination responsabilities and project managers developing performance measures for their systems Chapter 5 - Selecting IT investments: Describes the process and forms used to annually determine what IT investments/projects (new initiatives, ongoing development, and operational) to found for the new budget submission by evaluating project risks and merits prioritizing them in terms of technical, cost, schdule, organizational risk and strategic value - designed for those with significant IT Capital Planning responsabilities and IT project managers who will be providing the required information - and for ITC and BTC Chapter 6 - Control and evaluate IT projects - Describes the process and forms for monitoring, exception reporting and ITC and BTC reviews of ongong projects/operational systems

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