BOIVIN, Murício

Os usos políticos locais da "integração regional" - São Paulo : ANPOCS, junlho de 2004

The attitudes of Entrerriano politicians towards integration with Rio Grande do Sul are not homogenous. In fact, if the three justicialist governments in power from 1987 to 1999 propelled such process, the new UCR administration has kept it void, closing the Casa da Provícia de Entre Ríos em Porto Alegre (RGS). While the Justicialist Party promoted the association between its province and Rio Grande do Sul in order to create an "horizontal axis" to oppose the Buenos Aires-São Paulo "vertical axis," the current government intends to incorporate itself to the last one. And that is not all, for the diversity of positions on the subject not only is a battle between officialism and opposition, but is also found within each political party. That way, the "integration" that had the local political processes as source for its development turns into a factor falling onto the Entreterriana political activity in all its ambits of aggregation. It is interesting to analyze ways of political utilization of representing organs with respect to "integration." The article will, then, examine how much the social representations are both appropriated and used by political specialists in the course of the definite processes of their relative position in the political domain