Organizational development in the public sector
- Boulder : Westview, 2003
- 150 p.
- Essentials of public policy and administration .
1. Organizational development: assumptions and values . A general history of management thinking and OD . Frederick Taylor . Weberian ideal-type bureaucracy . The human relations counterpoint . Deepening the OD connection . Systems theory . Persisting beyond negative labels . Competitiveness pushes the door wide open for OD values . The new era of reform 2. Public administration and OD . Public OD . Third-party peacemaking in different worlds . The public realities . OD development and public administration . The Argyris/Simon exchange . OD's place in the history of public administration . Golembiewski . Neely Gardner 3. The issue of change . Mind-sets . The process of change: The issue of resistance . The four-room apartment . Leading change . The continuum of resistance to change . Encouraging change through PC . PC in the organization 4. Learning, power, and action research . Hijacking what people know - The seeds of disempowerment . Learning . Liberating employee know-how . Action research - The core problem-solving technology of OD 5. Groups, public management reform, and organizational development . From hawthorne on up . The instructive '80s - The takeoff period for management reform . Downside dangers of groups 6. Conflict and OD . Third-party peacemaking . Speaking out assertively . The problem of listenig . Dialogue . Working the spece- The matter of styles . Interest-based bargaining 7. Basic values and prospects . The problem of trust . Hierarchy . Leadership and change . Labor relations . They know the answer . Power and politics . Moving another way
Setor Público Administração Pública Mudança Organizacional Desenvolvimento Organizacional Burocracia Reforma Administrativa Aprendizagem Liderança Conflito