SINGH, Abhilasha

Neuro linguistic programming : a key to business excellence - Oxfordshire, UK : Taylor & Francis, January-February 2008

In the present scenario of rapid change and technological advancement, academicians and management professionals around the world are in a dilemma as to how to achieve a competitive edge to promote performance in this era of stiff competition. The globalization of the economy has opened up floodgates of knowledge and opportunities for them but globalization has also brought new challenges as to how to manage. Probably the greatest challenge that is presented by globalization is the management of the human resource pools. This is true at a macro (overall staffing levels) and micro (delegation of work to labor pools) level. Human resource management is now assuming a greater role to strategic business partners. Successful companies realize that true competitive advantage lies in their people. They have been forced to redefine their responsibilities and develop a compelling response for critics who dispute human resource's value to the bottom-line. The aim of the present study is to examine the role of Neuro Linguistic Programming in building up the organizational capabilities and paving the way to business excellence. The data were collected through the use of questionnaire and structured interviews conducted with different clients of select companies based in the southern part of India. The results was further analyzed and compared with the findings of secondary research undertaken to study the genesis of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It was revealed that NLP gives the managers and staff a significant improvement in the efficiency to work with, understand and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. An NLP-oriented manager is sound in all aspects, especially with the human factor, which is the vital element in this scenario