Evaluation in public-sector reform : concepts and practice in international perspective / editado por Hellmut Wollmann. -- - Cheltenham/Massachusetts : Edward Elgar, 2003. - 270 p. : il.

1. Evaluation in public-sector reform: Towards a 'third ware' of evaluation? - Hellmut Wollmann 2. Evaluating public management reforms: An international perspective - Chistpher pollitt and geert bouckaert 3. Evaluating best practice in central government modernization - Werner Jann and Christoph Reichard 4. Evaluating public management reforms in central government: Norway, sweden and the united states of America - Tom Christensen, Per Loegreid and Lois R. Wise 5. Public-sector reform and evaluation in Australia and new zealand - John Halligan 6. Evaluation and new public management in the netherlands - Frans L. Leeuw 7. Evaluation and public-sector reform in Germany: Leaps and lags - Hellmut Wollmann 8. 'As a voluntary choice or as a legal obligation': Assessing new public management policy in Italy - Andrea Lippi 9. The late and sudden emergence of new public management reformsin Japan - Michio Muramatsu and Jun Matsunami 10. Evaluating public-sector reforms in Latin America - Geraldo Tadeu Moreira Monteiro 11. Learning from evaluation practice: The case of public-sector reforms - Jean-Calude Thoenig 12. Evaluation in public-sector reform. Trends, potentials and limits in international perspective - Hellmut Wollmann


Reforma do Setor Público
Serviço Público
Modernização Administrativa