Innovations in government : research, recognition, and replication / editado por Sandford Borins. -- - Washington : Brookings Institution, 2008. - 231 p. : il. - Innovative governance in the 21st century ; v. 2 .

1. Introduction - Sandford Borins. - 2. Twenty years of highlighting excellence in government - Jonathan Walters. - 3. The "Kennedy School School" of research on innovation in government - Steven Kelman. - 4. Citizen participation in government innovations - Archon Fung. - 5. Subnational government innovation in a comparative perspective: Brazil - Marta Ferreira Santos Farah and Peter Spink. - 6. The unaccustomed inventiveness of the labor department - John D. Donahue. - 7. Developmental processes: a conceptual exploration - Eugene Bardach. - 8. The adoption of innovation: the challenge of learning to adapt tacit knowledge - Robert D. Behn. - 9. Does innovation lead to improvement in public services? Lessons from the beacon scheme in the United Kingdom - Jean Hartley. - 10. Innovations in government: serving citizens and strenthening democracy - Gowher Rizvi. - 11. Research on innovations in government: what next? - Sandford Borins.


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