HORN, Carl E. Van

Politics and public policy - 3. ed - Washington : CQ, 2001 - 366 p.

1. American politics and public policy Policymakers A Federal system Policy influences outside government The scope of conflict Politics and policy 2. Political culture, the economy, and public policy A durable political culture A powerful economy A compartive perspective Summary 3. Boardroom politics Corporate concerns Corporate governance Strategies and policies After the board has met Summary 4. Bureaucratic politics Civil servants at work The cross-pressured bureaucracy Rules and regulations The quest for results Summary 5. Cloakroom politics The crowded agenda Entrepreneurial politics Rites of passage Shaky ground rules, unreliable watchdogs Summary 6. Chief executive politics Rulers of the agenda The power to persuade The buck stops here 6. Chief executive politics Rulers of the agenda The power to persuade The buck stops here Promises and performance Intended and unintended consequences The management puzzle Summary 7. Courtroom politics Cases and controversies Selecion of cases Judicial coalitions New wine in old bottles Minorities as beneficiaries The long road to justice Summary 8. Living room politics Bystanders and activists Citizens, politicians, and journalists The power pf public opinion A potent weapon of democracy Summary 9. Institutional performance An analysis of conventional political institutions Alternatives to conventional politics Performance appraisal Summary 10. Assessing American public policy Choosing yardsticks Defending the nation Achieving sustained economic growthh Ensuring equal opportunity Providing a safety net Protecting the environment Summary


Política Pública
Agente Público
Agenda Pública
Opinião Pública

Estados Unidos