Party soldiers in a non-partisan community? : party linkage in the european parliament - Oxfordshire, UK : Taylor & Francis, December 2008

Even though the European Parliament is the EU institution which most resembles national parliaments, party politics here is more complex than in the national context because MEPs are both members of national and transnational parties. In order to increase our understanding of party politics within this body, the article compares the character of the links that MEPs hold to their national parties and EP party groups, and examines whether the type of committee membership that MEPs hold affects the strength of these party links. Based on responses to a recent survey in the European Parliament, it demonstrates that MEPs have strong links to both national and EU-level parties, but that the character of their links to the two differs. Even though transnational party groups regulate MEPs in day-to-day politics, they feel more inclined to represent their national parties. In contrast, MEPs who have served as conciliation delegates do not have stronger party links than standing committee members in general