WEIMER, David L.

Policy analysis : concepts and practice - 4. ed - Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2005 - 501 p.

- Part I - Introduction to public policy analysis 1. Preview: the canadian salmon fishery 2. Wat is policy analysis? 3. Toward professional ethics - Part II - Conceptual foudations for problem analysis 4. Efficiency and the idealizad competitive model 5. Rationales for public policy: market failures 6. Rationales for public policy: other limitations of competitive framework 7. Rationales for public policy: distributional and other goals 8. Limits to public intervention: government failures 9. Policy problems as market and government failure: the madison taxicab policy analysis example - Part III - Conceptual foudations for solution analysis 10. Correcting market and government failure: Generic policies 11. Adoption and implementation 12. Government supply: drawing organizational boudaries - Part IV - Doing policy analysis 13. Gathering information for policy analisys 14. Landing on your feet: how to confront policy problems 15. Goals / alternatives matrices: some examples from CBO studies 16. Coast-benefit analysis - Part V - Case studies of policy analysis 17. Cost-benefit analysis in a bureaucratic setting: the strategic petroleum reserve 18. When statistics count: revising the lead standard for gasoline - Part VI - Conclusion 19. Doing well and doing good


Ciência Política
Política Pública
Estudo de Caso