Institutionalism - Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2007 - SAGE Library of Political Science .

I. Institutionalisms, old and new 1. Institutionalism "old" and "new" - Philip Selznick 2. Institutionalism reconsidered - David E. Apter 3. Political structure revived - David Easton 4. Understanding radical organizational change: bringing together the old and the new institutionalism - Royston Greenwood and C. R. Hinings II. The revival of institutions 5. The new institutionalism: organizational factors in political life - James G. March and Johan P. Olsen 6. Theoretical decay and theoretical development: the resurgence of institutional analysis - Karen L. Remmer 7. The theoretical core of the new institutionalism - Ellen M. Immergut III. Approaches to institutionalism a. general treatments 8. Political science and the three new institutionalisms - Peter A. Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor 9. Institutional theories and public institutions: traditions and appropriateness - Jean-Claude Thoenig 10. Institutions and rationality in politics - three varieties of neo-institutionalists - Junko Kato 11. What is an institution: - John R. Searle b. Normative Analysis 12. Institutional perspectives on political institutions - James G. March and Johan P. Olsen 13. Institutions and their desing - Robert E. Goodin 14. The ambiguity of appropriateness - Tom Christensen and Kjell Arne Rovik c. Rational Choice 15. Implications from the disequilibrium of majority rule for the study of institutions - William H. Riker 16. Political institutions: the neglected side of the story - Terry M. Moe 17. An agenda for the study of institutions - Elinor Ostrom d. Historical 18. Approaches to the state: alternative conceptions and historical dynamics - Stephen D. Krasner 19. Increasing returns, path dependence, and the study of politics - Paul Pierson 20. The politics of path dependency: political conflict in historical institutionalism - B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre and Desmond S. King


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