The advent of an ambiguous federalism and the emergernce of new federalism III - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, may/june 1996

American federalism has experienced continuing centralizing tendencies in the political, judicial, and operational arenas since 1964. Three efforts to launch a devolutionary "new federalism" have been mounted during this period: nixon's, reagan's, and the current tripartite campaings of president Clinton, the house of representatives, and the senate. In both of the earlier endeavors, some devolving sucesses were experienced. Yet, contrary centripetal developments, notably in the judicial, political, and regulatory fields, also took place and two case studies in an ambiguous federalism resulted. The present deadlock between and among the three national political branches regarding the future of dozens of national prevents any solid statement as to whether the new federalism III will suffer the fate of its two predecessors. But a bet that it will would not be a foolish one.