Hays, Steven W.

Professional certification in public management : a status report and proposal - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, sep./oct.1996

What is role of the growing public management certification programs? The issue has not traditionally received much attention in the public administration literature. Despite this oversight, certification programs have been created in 16 states since the early 1980s. This article provides a status report on the accomplishments of these 16 certified public manager (CPM)programs. After providing an overview of the debate surrounding the certification question, the sucesses and development of the programs are described. Their successes and failures in attracting, retaining, and certifying public managers are summarized, and suggestions are provided on how the certification movement might be accelerated. In particular, it is argued that interests of the public management community might be served if CPM and master of public administration programs were to cooperate more aggressively.