VAN WART, Montgomery

The Sources of ethical decision making for individuals in the public sector - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, nov./dez. 1996

What was the value in changing ASPA's Code of Ethic? Until recently, the Code of Ethics of the American Society for Public Administration symbolized the confusion in the field rather than its insights. The fine content of the former code was los in mumerous, unequal categories and discursive language. The new code has five principles or decision-making sources upon wich public administrators should draw. This article demonstrates how the five sources are prominently discussed in the literature and are useful for practitioners. Even more, the new code should provide and authoritative framework for the field. At an elementary level, the code prohibits egregiously unethical behavior. At a more sophisticated level, the code recognizes that the really tough administrative decisions occur when two or more of the legitimate decision-making sources compete. Thus the code is far more than a list of legalistic prohibitions. It is powerful tool for decision analysis on the one hand and an aspirational call for excellence in the profession on the other