REESE, Catherine C

The line-item veto in practice in ten southern states - malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, nov./dec.1997

How frequently are line-item veto result in substantial reductions in annual appropriation totals? What reasons do governors provide for their use of the line-item veto? This study analyzes line-item vetoes cast in 10 southern states over the 1973-92 period. Information from each state is analyzed in relation to characteristics of state budgetary processes and political environments. The study uses the first collection of in-depth, multistae data on the use of the line-item veto power. The use of the line-item veto varies greatly among the states. The non-use of the line-item veto is linked with biennial budgets, less itemized appropriations, large numbers of appropriation bills, same-party control of the legislative and executive branches, and limited gubernatorial terms in office. The only factor associated with high usage of the line-item veto is divided party control; however, divided party control is not associated with great amounts of appropriation reduction.