Local governance in industrial countries / editado por Anwar Shah. -- - Washington : The World Bank, 2006. - 368 p. : il. - Public sector governance and accountability .

1. A comparative institutional framework for responsive, responsible, and accountable local governance - Anwar Shah. - 2. Local government organization and finance: Canada - Melville L. McMillan. - 3. Local government organization and finance: France - Rémy Prud'homme. - 4. Local government organization and finance: Germany - Jan Werner. - 5. Local government organization and finance: Japan - Nobuki Mochida. - 6. Local government organization and finance: New Zealand - Brian Dollery. - 7. Local government organization and finance: Nordic countries - Jorgen Lotz. - 8. Local governament organization and finance: United Kingdom - David King. - 9. Local government organization and finance: United States - Larry Schroeder.


Administração Regional
Finanças Públicas
Estudo de Caso