Rouban, Luc

The french civil service - Paris : La Documentation française, 1998 - 118 p. - Connaissance de l' administration française .

1. The construction of the civil service: a political project Administration The republic and its civil servants Employees unlike others 2. A huge but fragmented universe Influence and growth of the civil service The corporatist phenomenon Blurred boundaries 3. A distinctive social group Social dynamics From a profession to an occupation Public, private: diverging or coming together? 4. Civil service policies The dilemmas of training Careers and promotion Limiting expenditure Social partners 5. The dilemma of modernisation The policy of modernisation Limited impact The future of modernisation

Título Original: La fonction publique Título Original: La fonction publique Tradutor: Mary and Anne Stevens Tradutor: Mary and Anne Stevens


Serviço Público
Função Pública
Aspecto Histórico
Modernização Administrativa
