STONE, Samuel B.

The difficulty of restoring structural balance : the case of Indiana, 2001-2007 - Philadelphia : Routledge, June 2009

The State of Indiana has faced a steadily deteriorating fiscal condition since the turn of the 21st century. The root problem has been state leaders' failure to recognize the weakening of Indiana's economic base in the wake of the recent recession, evidenced by significat employment losses since 2001, particularly in the manufacturing sector. State spending has continued apace, and even accelerated in the case of certain "big ticket" item. In response to the fiscal shortfall, the state has pursued its time-worn budget balancing tactics of drawing down cash reserves, raiding extrabudgetary funds, and delaying payments to municiapl governments, school districts and universities. The debts that the state owes to these other units have mounted. Meanwhile, five years after the onset of the April 2001 recession, the state economy has not recovered sufficiently to repay these debts, as it had been able to after the two most recessions. This leaves Indiana highly vulnerable to another national recession.