The aggressive–cooperative drivers of construction contracting - Exeter, UK : Elsevier, October 2009

Construction contracting parties can take either a cooperative or aggressive stance in pursuing their goals. This paper aims at identifying the stimuli (known as drivers) that motivate cooperative or aggressive moves in construction contracting behavior (CCB). In this regard, a three-stage research work has been designed for the completion of the research objective. Based on literature reviews, aggressive and cooperative drivers were identified in the first stage. A questionnaire was designed to collect construction case-specific data on these drivers. Next, taxonomies of aggressive and cooperative drivers were developed by the use of principal component factor analyses (PCFA). A total of three and seven taxonomies for aggressive and cooperative drivers were identified respectively. These taxonomies enable the understanding of aggressive-cooperative nature of CCB in a more amenable and logical manner. With these taxonomies, factor scales were calculated to represent the relative importance of the respective taxonomies. The degree of significance of each factor scales was then evaluated in the third stage. The results showed that the most important cooperative taxonomy is ‘openness of contracting parties’, while the most important aggressive taxonomy is ‘goal oriented’. The findings also suggest that construction projects may not be inherently adversarial. Contract with equitable risk allocation and open discussion of problems would provide the platform for team building so that relationship among contracting parties can be maintained.