The impact of globalization on developing countries : risks and opportunities - Brasilia : Presidencia da Republica, 1996 - 29 p. - Documentos da Presidencia da Republica .

Conference of the president of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, at the Colegio de Mexico. Mexico City, 20th February 1996

I. Introduction: challenges to statesmen face to face with globalization II. Facts which have contributed to the obsolescence of traditional theories on asymetry and dependence in world economic and political relation II.1 - The Dimension of Capital II.2 - The dimension of labor II.3 - Some consequences of the new forms of capital expansion, the organization of labor and the relations between capital and labor III. Some of the social consequences of globalization: the problems of increasing inequality and structural unemployment III.1 - Inequality and social exclusion III.2 - The rise in unemployment IV. The role of the government in combating unemployment. how to generate more and better jobs V. Conclusion: the global economy and the future of developing countries. The demand for equity

Contexto Economico