MELLO, Ruth Espínola Soriano de

Melhoria na educação garantida pela vinculação constitucional - Rio de Janeiro : IBAM, jul./ago./set. 2006

A recurrent matter in discusses is the possibility of Public manager spend the available resources dissociated of the corresponded pre-fixed quota to each area. The argument in favour affirms that this procedure enables an efficient and fast investment. On the other hand, various authors belive that the most important is to spend the whole resource possible to decrease Brazilian Public debts. Besides that, there are the ones that consider such legal bond inapropriate considering the diverstity of our country. The article intends to discuss the effects of Constitucional obligation of applying, at least, twenty five percent (25%) of tax collection' net result, including fund proceeding from transfers, on the educational maintenance and development at Rio de Janeiro' City.