Behavior analysis : areas of research and application - 4 ed - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1973 - 417 p.

Parte 1 - Questions, challenges, and thoughts 1. Living among the ABAs-retrospect and prospect - Frances Degen Horowitz 2. In the beginning, there was the response - Donald M. Baer 3. Positive and negative reinforcemente, a distinction that is no longer necessary; or a better way to talk about bad things - Jack Michael 4. Toward wxperimental living, phase II: "have you ever heard of a man named frazier, sir?" - Roger Ulrich 5. Following up on the behavior analysis model: results after ten years of early intervention with institutionalized, mentally retarded children - Stephen I. Sulzbacher . John D. Kidder Parte 2 - Programs 6. A behavioral system for group living - L. Keith Miller . Richard Feallock 7. Specialized day care as a psychiatric outpatient service - Todd Risley . Thomas Sajwaj . Larry Doke . Stewat Agras 8. A computerized system for selecting responsive teaching studies catalogued along twenty-eight important dimensions - Richard G. Fox . Rodney E. Copeland . Jasper w. Harris Herbert J. Rieth . R. Vance Hall Parte 3 - Research in training 9. Training teaching-parents: an evaluation of workshop training procedures - Kathryn A. Kirigin . Hector E. Ayala . Curtis J. Braukmenn Willie G. Brown . Neil Minkin . Elery L. Phillips Dean L.Fixsen . Montrose M. Wolf 10. Training counselors as researchers in the natural environment - Jerry W. Willis . Tom R. Hobbs Dorcas G. Kirkpatrick . Kent W. manley 11. The role of instructions, modeling, verbal feedback, and contingencies in the training of classroom teaching skills - Hewitt B. Clark . John W. Macrae Donna Mae Ida . N. Rebecca Smith 12. A training model that bridges the gap between the art and the science of teaching - Keith D. Turner . K. Eileen Allen Parte 4 - Research in classrooms 13. An inexpensive fading procedure to decrease errors and increase retention of number facts - Edward J. Haupt . Maria J. Van Kirk . Thomas Terraciano 14. A comparison of fixed-page and fixed-time reading assignments in elementary school children - George Semb . Susan Semb 15. An analysis of the effects of lectures, requests, teacher praise, and free time on the creative writing behaviors of third-grade children - Karen Blase Maloney . Cindy R. Jacobson . B. L. Hopkins 16. The use of minimum objectives as an ongoing monitoring system to evaluate student progress - Judith F. Laforge . Marybeth M. Pree . Susan E. Hasazi 17. Modification of disruptive behavior in a large group of elementary school students - Adler J. Muller . Susan E. Hasazi Mary M. Pierce . Joseph E. Hasazi 18. A component analysis of the effects of a classroom game on spelling performance - Saul Axelrod . Josena Paluska 19. The use of modeling techniques to influence the acquisition of computational arithmetic skills in learning-disabled children - Deborah Deutsch Smith . Thomas C. Lovitt 20. The effects of performance contingencies on the assignment completion behavior of severely delinquent youths - V. William Harris . Stephen R. Finfrock . David K. Giles Betty M. Hart . Phillip C. Tsosie Parte 5 - Research with children as behavioral engineers 21. Elementary school children as behavioral engineers - T. F. McLaughlin . J. E. Malaby 22. The modification of a peer-observers classroom behavior as a function of his serving as a reinforcing agent - Lawrence J. Siegel . Warren M. steinman 23. Five-year-olds as behavioral engineers for younger students in a day-care center - Joetta Long . Charles H. Madsen, Jr. Parte 6 - Research methodology 24. Reliability scores that delude: an alice in wonderland trip th rough the misleading characteristics of interobserver agreement scores in interval recording - Robert P. Hawkins . Victor A. Dotson 25. Multielement baseline design in educational research - Jerome D. Ulman . Beth Sulzer- Azaroff
