YEAGER, Samuel J.

Placement activities of MPA programs and their parent institutions - New York : Marcel Dekker, 1987

Results from a survey of NASPAA member programs indicate that NASPAA programs and their parent institutions provide a wide range of placement services. Less than 60 percent of the 68 respondents had a formal placement program at the department level. One fifth of these programs do not provide training in job search techniques, a quarter do not subscribe to placement newsletters, a third do not provide assistance in resume preparation, a third do not assist their students in preparing for interviews, and two- thirds do not provide mock interviews. More than three-quarters do not publish lists of their new graduates and four-fifths do not send these lists to prospective employers. Fortunately, institutional and departmental programs supplement one another in many universities. Nevertheless, central placement agencies do not offer all of these services. Five institutions did not have a formal central placement agency. Public administration programs will improve their placement services for a variety of pragmatic reasons.