SMITH, Robert Courtney

Horatio alger lives in Brooklyn : extrafamily suport, intrafamily dynamics, and socially neutral operating identities in exceptional mobility among children of mexican immigrants - Thousand Oaks : Sage, November 2008

By analyzing the life course of an exceptionally successful Mexican student, Emmanuel of Brooklyn, this article interrogates current theories on the incorporation of immigrant youth, including "segmented assimilation." The author explains Emmanuel's unlikely and exceptional achievement as the result of intrafamily dynamics, including his keeping of the immigrant bargain; extrafamily supports, including "first chance, fast track" programs for exceptional students in the New York City public schools and the involvement of mentors; and Emmanuel's development of "socially neutral operating identities" to negotiate his membership in new and disparate social worlds. The study shows the reach and limitations of current theories on the children of immigrants and opens new avenues for further research.