HIPPEL, Karin von

A counterradicalization strategy for a new US administration - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, July 2008

The U.S. government needs a new, two-pronged approach to counter radicalization in many parts of the world, particularly when confronting the "enabling environment." Those inhabiting this environment include potential sympathizers in the Arab and Muslim world who may not themselves use violence but either endorse the arguments and platforms of the terrorists or are intimidated into silence. This wider community needs to be won over so that they oppose terrorism in their neighborhoods, cities, and states and, critically, in the virtual world, where many of the battles are taking place. Appealing to the enabling environment may be the only way in the long term to isolate terrorists and end terrorism. This two-part approach includes (1) a prioritized development strategy (with an emphasis on good governance, anticorruption, and social service provision) and (2) innovative tools and new partners to implement and disseminate it.