Problem-based learning : case studies, experience and practice - London : Routledge, 2001 - 182 p. - Case Studies of Teaching in Higher Education .

Section 1. Political, administrative and resource issues 1. Come and see the real thing - David Prideaux, Bren Gannon, Elizabeth Farmer, Sue Runciman and Isobel Rolfe 2. No money where your mouth is - Nina felice Schor 3. Into the Lion's Den - Amy Blue 4. Lost in the Mêlpée - D. Christopher Clark 5. But what if they leave with misinformation? - Gwendie Camp 6. Mixed models and mixed messages - Marilyn S. Lantz and John F. Chaves 7. Overcoming obstacle - Ann Sefton 8. Forward from the retreat - Peter Schwarts Section 2. Issues relating to teachers 9. Too little, too late? - Carol-Ann Courneya 10. Not more PBL - Elizabeth Farmer 11. Why do they ignore it? - Marlene Lindberg and Gordon Greene 12. Redesigning PBL: resolving the integration problem - Barry Maintland and Rob Cowdroy 13. Why does the department have professors if they don't teach? - Barbara Miflin and David Price 14. Faculty development workshops: a 'challenge' of problem-based learning? - Deborah E. Allen, Barbara J. Duch and Susan E. Groh 15. The students did that? - David Taylor Section 3. Issues Relating to students 16. Mature students? - Emyr W. Benbow and Ray F. T. McMahon 17. To admit or not to admit? That is the question... - Chuck Shuler and Alan Fincham 18. Why aren't they working? - Diana Dolmans, Ineke Wolfhagen and Cees van der Vleuten 19. I don't want to be a grouple - David M. Kaufman and Karen V. Mann 20. Reflecting on assessment - Jan Lovie-Kitchin 21. Assessable damage - Alex Forrest and Laurie Walsh 22. They just don't pull their weight - Don Woods


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