Réforme de l'État et fonction publique en Argentine : changements réels ou réformes formelles? - Paris : IIAP, oct./déc. 1997

Since the election, President Menem has initiated two state reforms (in1989 and 1996). Beyond calling into question the idea of the state-provider, these reforms are being required to take effect against a back-drop of real revolution in Argentine political culture. The reduction in public expenditure has been realised by rolling-back the state in favour of local authorities and the private sector. The process of decentralisation, which has been pursued since the 1960s, has been accompanied by a significant programme of privatisation. A reorganisation of the public sector has resulted from this. Technical reforms concerning the civil service have, however, led merely to a form of patronage which is more subtle than before. Corruption remains one of the principal preoccupations of Argentine society