Competing with flexible lateral organizations - 2 ed - United States : Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1994 - 152 p.

1 - Lateral organizational capability The importance of organizational capability What is organizational capability ? The lateral organization Lateral and vertical organization 2 - Lateral coordination Lateral coordination-multidimensional coordination Types of international strategies Three different capabilities Summary 3 - Lateral organization Lateral organizational types Matching lateral coordination and organization The informal organization 4 - Formal lateral groups Formality Formal groups The design of groups Cross-functional groups Hierarchy of design/build teams Corporate lateral organization The role of management Summary 5 - Integrating roles The integrating role Design issues Dual authority But i thought matrix didn't work Integrator influence Summary 6 - The distributed organization The distributed organization model The international distributed organizations SKF: A case study Other distributed organizations Summary 7 - Lateral coordination cases A multidimensional organization-down-corning A new Hewlett-packard division 8 - Summary thoughts Competing with your organization Lateral organization as flexible organization Different types of lateral organization Management's role Summary
