La coopération administrative entre la CEE et les États d'Afrique, des Carïbes et du Pacifique dans le cadre de la Convenionde Lomé - Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1989

Administrative co-operation forms the core of the operations financed by the European Development Fund (EDF). The assistance provided by the EEC to the public services of the ACP States can either accompany specific operations linked to the implementation of development programmes and projects; take the form of a specific project for developing the management skills of a department of public service; or form part of a planned series of concerted actions aimed at revamping and rationalizing administrative structures. Coupled with this co-operation, the author underlines the need to stick to the original management tools used in implementing financial and technical co-operation, and shows how these original arragements work in the administration of public contracts. In his conclusion, the author urges the negotiators at Lome IV to consider ways of making better use of national human ressources so as to promote a genuine spirit of reciprocity and partnership between the foreign teams of technocrats and national civil servants and thereby enhance the effectiveness of administrative co-operation