La communication audiovisuelle peut-elle être locale? - Paris : IIAP, oct./déc. 1987

The title has been a topical issue since the abolition of the state radio and TV broadcasting monopoly in 1982. The Law of 29 July 1982 provided an authoritarian response by imposing a local framework on private TV stations and a communal one on cable TV: it failed. The Law of 30 September 1986 was much less detailed, leaving the matter up to the Commission Nationale de la Communication et des Libertés and market forces. The problem is two-fold: local government should act on transmitter ranges, but regrouping local broadcasting services into nationwide networks operates against truly local production and programming. Local government can participate with difficulty only isolated areas of broadcasting services despite greater legal leeway available since 1986; it must however intervene directly to establish, rather than operate, such service