Fiscalité et investissement - Paris : IIAP, janv,/mars 1980

>The legal and fiscal aspects of investment promotion in developing countries: investment codes by François Corfmat After listing the main policies for encouraging investment through favorable taxation as found in most of the investment codes of French-speaking Africa, the author questions the economic advantages resulting from or meant to result from favorable taxation. He states that in some cases fiscal advantages granted to stimulate investment may have boomerang effects on the conomy, to finally outline the proper conditions which tax advantages ought to meet for investment purposes, viz: the need for: selecting the right economic sectors to privelege; selecting feasible projects; and for costing exemptions in terms of loss of revenue for the State. >Foreign investment in developing countries: international taxation issues by Jean-François Court Naturally, foreign investmens raise international taxation issues. This imposes on grantees and more particularly developing countries political options to take in matters of economy and taxation which call for due consideration of whatever interaction there may be with the tax system of the developed countries of origin. Such an interaction, if any, has to be regulated by bilateral ad hoc arrangements or more conventional tax agreements. The latter undoubtedly present advantages for foreign investors through extending a safe protection of their interests >Items of discussion