Making the law work for everyone - New York : Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, 2008 - 95 p.

1. Making the law work for everyone The importance of the law Progress and frustration Addressing the four billion poor and excluded Realising rights through political change Legal empowerment is the way forward Making poverty history 2. The four pillars of legal empowerment The concept of legal empowerment Human rights The four pillars of legal empowerment and the scale of the problem 3. Legal empowerment is smart politics and good economics Legal empowerment is smart politics A political challenge with rewards An essential role for democracy Legal empowerment is good economics 4. Agenda for change An agenda for access to justice An agenda for property rights An agenda for labour rights An agenda for business rights 5. Implementation strategies Getting it right from the start Managing stakeholders and mobilising allies Action at the international level


Política Social
Exclusão Social
Direitos Humanos
Contrato Social
Direitos e Garantias Individuais
Garantia de Trabalho