Distributed public governance : agencies, authorities and other government bodies = Les autres visages de la gouvernance publique - Paris : OECD, 2002 - 280 p.

1. Synthesis report Changing priorities: From the drive to create agencies, authorities and other government bodies to the challenge of achieving good governance 2. Agencies in search of principles - Allen Schick 3. Canada - Toby Fyfe and Tom Fitzpatrick 4. France - Claude Rochet, Marc Cabane and Simon Formery 5. Germany - Marian Döhler and Werner Jann 6. The Netherlands - Ronald Van Oosteroom 7. New Zealand - Derek Gill 8. Spain - Eduardo Zapico Goñi and Mario Garcés 9. Sweden - Torbjörn Larsson 10. United Kingdom - Rob Wall and Paul West 11. United States - Ronald C. Moe 12. Distributed public governance: principles for control and accountability of agencies, authorities and other government bodies - Rob Laking


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