Fischer, Frank

Evaluating public policy - Belmont, CA : Wadsworth, 1995 - 296 p.

Public policy analysis as practical deliberation: integrating empirical and normative evaluation 2 - Evaluating program outcomes: empirical logic and methods 3 - Debating the head start program: the Westinghouse reading scores in normative perspective 4 - Evaluating program objectives: multiple criteria and situational relevance 5 - Contesting the Times Square redevelopment study: problem definition and the politics of criteria 6 - Evaluating policy goals: normative assumptions and societal consequences 7 - Reassessing disability policy goals: equal rights versus societal costs 8 - Evaluating ideological commitments: public policy, social values and the good society 9 - Environmental policy and risk-benefit analysis: the green critique of technocratic ideology 10 - Polci deliberation as political methodology: implications for theory and practice Epilogue: Policy deliberation in postpositivist perspective

Politica Publica
Avaliacao de Politicas Publicas
Ciencias Sociais
Politicas Sociais