LIU, Julie Yu-Chih

Task completion competency and project management performance : the influence of control and user contribution - Oxford : Elsevier, apr. 2010

Recent research examines the relationship between competency and success in the information systems project environment. The links, however, are not well established and the antecedents of competency not well explored. We model the link between general task completion competency and performance of development teams with two crucial antecedents built by other stakeholders, the contribution of users and controls established by management. A sample of information systems professionals confirms the model and places a focus on the competencies of the professionals involved in a development. Management must be aware of team level controls and the competencies within a team and not focus on the individual members of a system development team

Sistema de Informação
Gestão de Projetos
Gestão por Competências
Gestão Participativa
Controle de Gestão