OTTO, Calvin P

The management of training : a handbook for training and development personnel - Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1970 - 410 p.

- The training director, his department, and his organization 1. The training director's Job 2. How to prepare and present a training forecast 3. Selecting and developing an instructional staff 4. Equipping the training departament 5. Managing the learning environment - Developing a strategy for training 1. Learning theory applied to training 2. How to analyze training problems and develop training objectives 3. Selecting the media of learning 4. Building programs, units, courses, and lessons 5. Evaluating training outcomes: The training department's bottom line 6. What can the training consultant do for you? - Basic methods and materials of training 1. Basic verbal training techniques effective use of the training billboard: Chalkboards, demonstration boards, and flip charts 2. Overhead and opaque projection 3. Produncing and showing sound-slides and sound-filmstrips 4. Making and showing training movies 5. Instructing with television 6. Preparing and using programed materials 7. Simulation techniques - Basic training aplications 1. How to develop and present employee orientation programs 2. Job instruction 3. Training your supervisors 4. Getting started in management development


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